Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Digital History Websites and Journal Articles

In looking for Digital History sites online, I thought it would be a good thing to look for my areas of research interest.  Over the summer, I spent a lot of time doing research from home for a project I am a part of.  There were plenty of times when I could not make it downtown and because I normally did my research late at night (when it was the quietest), I found that the digital history sites gave me more information, in a compact manner, in a quicker amount of time than if I spent all that afternoon at the library.  I do not know if there will ever be a time when archive research will be obsolete because I do not believe that you can fully digitize everything however, where we have gone just in the last five or so years is a long way to make the life of a researcher a lot easier.  The Digital History sites that I have listed below are ones that I use all the time and they have proven extremely valuable to me over the last several years. 

1. This first one is from my primary area of research interest: baseball history.  There are an enormous amount of sites that provide a digital history of the sport.  I will list only two here but these two are ones that I have used for years.  The National Baseball Hall of Fame Archive and the Business of Baseball Archive give me a wealth of information when it comes to primary and secondary source material.

National Baseball Hall of Fame Archive

The Business of Baseball Archive

2. Another interest of mine is Thomas Jefferson.  The digital archive at the Monticello website is loaded with an enormous amount of material over the third president.  It is a valuable resource and when I have a hard time finding information over Jefferson in the library, I go to this site to get the info I need.

3.   Another site that is useful in my research is the Texas State Historical Association Digital Archives.  I know this is probably been used hundreds of times but, it is still a valuable digital archive for what I need.

Journal Articles

1. "Copyright Future in the Digital World" by Preston Parker
Parker, Preston P. 2011. "Copyright future in the digital world." TechTrends 55 (3): 16-8.

"More and more digital content creators are recognizing the benefits for being open. They are choosing
to go against the system because the benefits outweigh the costs. They are choosing newer business models so that progress can be supported and they can receive incentives for creating, which is the original intent and interpretation of copyright laws."

2. "Ensuring Our Digital Future" by Marshall Breeding

Citation: Breeding, M.. (2010, November). "Ensuring Our Digital Future." Computers in Libraries, 30(9), 32-34.  Retrieved September 7, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry. (Document ID: 2187126831).

"Overall, I observe that the unique and special collections in the custody of libraries receive excellent attention and will last long into the future through both physical conservation and ever-improving digital preservation processes and infrastructure. Libraries increasingly have access to trusted digital repositories that implement the best practices available to ensure that digital materials will survive into the distant future, migrating digital content forward through continuous cycles of technology. Unfortunately, a more likely scenario would involve huge gaps in cultivating collections of cultural or scholarly interest due to losses associated with the vulnerabilities of digital media."

1 comment:

  1. I've bookmarked the Baseball Biz link for my husband. He'll love it. I love the Monticello site. I did my masters thesis about reconstructing Jefferson's library at his retreat home; Popular Forest.

    Interesting that you chose an article about copyright since it is such a murky and somewhat touchy subject. Nice job!
